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Tag: yum

Fail install mongodb on Centos 7 with Package error

I try to install mongodb to Centos 7 server with PHP. I follow the install guide from But sudo pecl install mongodb show error message: As the error message recommded, I install php-devel package by But I got a lot of Dependency error: Below are the server details, any solution? yum repolist rpm -q centos-release php –version Answer remi-php73

CentOS 7 – Impossible to install PHP 7.3

I want to enable php73 as default version and install all packages related to it. So I did: And then: Right after, I can see that it wants to install PHP 8.0 (remi-php80, which breaks my project dependencies): How can I enable & force installation of PHP 7.3 on Centos 7? I want to avoid doing it manually like: $

what is php-common and what does it do?

I am on centos 6.5 and when I install do yum install php-common it goes ahead and installs some packages, but php is still not installed. And, when I want to install php directly it is says php-common …
