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Tag: laravel-artisan

Run php artisan from one Laravel install to another

We have a Laravel deployment website set up under which handles deployments for a multitude of other websites. One other website I’m trying to deploy which is also a Laravel site resides under Both are on the same server. Deploy calls a script on site2, this deploy script runs various commands after cd’ing to the project directory. We

Migrations in Laravel 5.5: Cannot declare class because the name is already in use

While running a migration in Laravel I got an error: PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class UpdateEnquiriesTable, because the name is already in use in /var/www/project/database/migrations/2018_01_17_160335_update_enquiries_table.php on line 33 Having done a bit of research, I see that each migration file needs a unique class name (I don’t remember mention of that before, but that could be me). According to

Laravel 5 command – Mandatory options

I am trying to write a laravel command but I can’t have the options to be mandatory. I do understand that the concept of option is being “optional” but I’d like to have a command in which it is clear which input you are inserting and in no particular order. i.e. I would like to achieve this, with par2 and

migrating a specific table in laravel

using command php artisan migrate migrates all the tables. but i have employees table that i migrated along with other tables. but it is not migrated (i cannot see it in phpmyadmin). now when i again use php artisan migrate command it displays nothing to migrate. How can i migrate that specific employees table? Answer For Specific File run this
