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Tag: artisan-migrate

Laravel 9.x Terminal can not migrate table

Trying to migrate a users table. Already have 1 table at DB. It’s Contacts for contact form. Trying to migrate a users table. Created my table with terminal $ php artisan make:migration create_users_table Had the following code in it. When I tried to migrate the table terminal returns an error. I run php artisan migrate and it returns Migrating: create_contacts_table

Run php artisan from one Laravel install to another

We have a Laravel deployment website set up under which handles deployments for a multitude of other websites. One other website I’m trying to deploy which is also a Laravel site resides under Both are on the same server. Deploy calls a script on site2, this deploy script runs various commands after cd’ing to the project directory. We

Safely remove migration In Laravel

In Laravel, there appears to be a command for creating a migration, but not removing. Create migration command: If I want to delete the migration, can I just safely delete the corresponding migrations file within the database/migrations folder? Migrations file: Answer I accidentally created a migration with a bad name (command: php artisan migrate:make). I did not run (php artisan
