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Tag: command-line-interface

php run command line and pipe std err to variable

I am trying to figure out how to run a command line program within php and output both stout and stderr to a variable. All the examples either output the command line directly to the screen, or only output stdout for example will output the following directly to the screen and not store anything in $data And the following will

Container Registry TYPO3 not available

At deployment getting the following exception when trying to invoke a typo3 cli command. ./typo3cms list. At local env this does not occur Answer The occurs due that the composer.json and composer.lock are not deployed to the machine were the command is executed. In these file a configuration/bootstrap is setup which is needed to invoke these commands.

How to start a php script from cli within wordpress

I wrote a PHP script, which was meant to be a WP-Cron-cronjob and which uses wordpress specific functions. Due to some restrictions in its runtime enviroment, I need to start this script from the command line with /usr/bin/php -q longThing.php instead of as a WP-Cron event. How can I ensure that all the wordpress core functions are callable in my
