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Tag: laravel-8

Datatype date is not updating in mysql using laravel

A column named ‘Shipment’ in import_request_trackers table having the datatype of Date and initially the default value is null. But when I tried to update the column from another form manually it shows no error but the database table is not being updated. } Answer 1- check your route first, please note that your $id is passing correctly! 2- check

Failed Login with Tymon JWT Auth Laravel 8

When I try to get token with login function I get this error TypeError: Argument 1 passed to TymonJWTAuthJWTGuard::login() must be an instance of TymonJWTAuthContractsJWTSubject, instance of AppModelsUser given, called in …vendortymonjwt-authsrcJWTGuard.php on line 127 in file …vendortymonjwt-authsrcJWTGuard.php on line 140 Here my login function: Here my User model: How to solve my issue? Answer You must implement TymonJWTAuthContractsJWTSubject contract

PDOException: SQLSTATE[22007]: 1292 Incorrect datetime value on UTC ISO-8601

Hello I’m getting the following error PDOException: SQLSTATE[22007]: 1292 Incorrect datetime value ‘2022-03-07T18:08:12.000000Z’ for column ‘created_timestamp’ at row 1 in /[path]/[to]/[project]/vendor/laravel/framework.src.Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:496 That looks like a valid UTC ISO-8601 date format to me. And in the following code The var dump prints a carbon instance. The docs say: When a column is cast as a date, you may set the corresponding

Laravel – Middleware custom typed Request parameter

I want to use VacancyListRequest to pass through middleware parameters and use its rules to validate them before controller action. I know that middleware acts Pipeline pattern, but does anybody know how to use any custom type except default IlluminateHttpRequest? Middleware Controller Error AppHttpMiddlewareVacancyBeforeVacancyIndexRequestMiddleware::handle(): Argument #1 ($request) must be of type AppHttpRequestsVacancyVacancyListRequest, IlluminateHttpRequest given, Answer You are getting that error

“User is not set” IncompleteDsnException after migrating to Laravel 9

I was using Laravel 8.64, and my emails were working fine both on prod and dev servers. However, after upgrading to 9.0.2, I have an issue with sending emails. Of course, I followed all instructions, but still, I get errors when I try to send an email. User is not set. {“exception”:”[object] (SymfonyComponentMailerExceptionIncompleteDsnException(code: 0): User is not set. After some

multiple recipients email sent with htmlspecialchars() expects parameter error

I have a form, in which when I fill and submit, it’s sent email to multiple recipient, when I do that I get this error htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given (View: C:wamp64wwwstarresourcesviewsemailsemail_invite_template.blade.php below is my code: The Form SendEmail Controller Email Template (email_invite_template.php) Thanks Answer You can’t just pass forward $data on every iteration. You need

Laravel: pass field to resolveRouteBinding from route definition

I have a seemingly stupid question here but I can’t find how one is supposed to define explicit model binding resolution logic using resolveRouteBinding method on a Model. I managed to write down its logic which is based on the value of the field parameter but I can’t seem to work out how to pass a value to this parameter

Laravel – Multisheet Excel

I tried to export my data in multi sheet Excel. But I face the error like SymfonyComponentErrorHandlerErrorFatalError Class AppExportsReportExport contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (MaatwebsiteExcelConcernsFromQuery::query) MaatwebsiteExcelSheet::formatColumn(): Argument #2 ($format) must be of type string, array given, called in C:xampphtdocshealthcarevendormaatwebsiteexcelsrcSheet.php on line 395 My controller coding is ReportExport ReportGeneralExport Using Providerid
