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Tag: symphony-cms

How to check for a class present on an element with Symfony DOMcrawler?

I have a $foo which is an instance of Crawler and $foo->outerHtml() starts with <div class=”brick brick–type–test brick–id–1. I am writing a test and I’d like to assert brick–id–1 is indeed present as a class. How could I do this? (preg_match() on $foo->outerHtml() invokes Cthulhu, I’d rather not) Answer Evaluate an XPATH expression against the nodes to check whether they

“User is not set” IncompleteDsnException after migrating to Laravel 9

I was using Laravel 8.64, and my emails were working fine both on prod and dev servers. However, after upgrading to 9.0.2, I have an issue with sending emails. Of course, I followed all instructions, but still, I get errors when I try to send an email. User is not set. {“exception”:”[object] (SymfonyComponentMailerExceptionIncompleteDsnException(code: 0): User is not set. After some
