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Tag: laravel-5

Laravel 5.4 fopen(): Filename cannot be empty

I want to upload image in laravel 5.4 Here’s the code: in FilesystemAdapter.php (line 146) I checked the FileSystemAdapter.php and saw that the problem is in this line: When I var dump the $file variable it returns the correct info, but when I var_dump($file->getRealPath(); it says bool(false) and I can’t upload the image Answer We had this problem with Internet

Laravel how merge two query results into a single object

I’m currently stuck on how to merge two query results into a single object . Below is my code. EDITED Model methods Getting values in controller Returned result: [{‘teamstanding’: ‘data’}, {‘teamstatictics’: ‘data’}] Expected output: [{‘teamstanding’: ‘data’, ‘teamstatictics’: ‘data’}] Answer You can use all() function.

laravel 5.4 custom command not working

This is the first time i’m working in Laravel. I’m developing a custom command which will read a file and insert rows in database. I’m getting errors. Below is my code any help will be appreciated. Command File. Model File Kernel.Php ERRORs: D:xampphtdocslara12>php artisan ship:start PHP Fatal error: Class ‘AppConsoleCommandsShipNow’ not found in D:xampphtdocslara12appConsoleCommandsshipdata.php on line 26 [SymfonyComponentDebugExceptionFatalErrorException] Class ‘AppConsoleCommandsShipNow’

Laravel Passport Get Client ID By Access Token

I’m writing a tiny sms gateway to be consumed by a couple of projects, I implemented laravel passport authentication (client credentials grant token) Then I’ve added CheckClientCredentials to api middleware group: The logic is working fine, now in my controller I need to get client associated with a valid token. routes.php For obvious security reasons I can never send the

Convert to Laravel exception?

Currently in a package, it has HttpException exception Is there a way to to convert it Laravel HttpResponseException uses without touching that exception from the package? Answer You can catch that exception and rethrow it. In your app/Exceptions/Handler.php file. Edit: I haven’t tested this but according to the exception class. You can pass a response as a parameter to the
