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Tag: hash

How to edit Laravel 7 AbstractHasher or BcryptHasher?

I’m having some problems trying to extend or change a part of the Laravel Framework. Simply I cannot figure out where I can add or edit so that my changes will not be made in the vendor folder. Essentially my issue was implementing Password Reset functionality to my React/Laravel application. I use inertia to post the reset password form, and

php mongodb validate form password

This is my first time using mongodb with php and I have a register and a login form . When a user registers I succesfully hash his password using password_hash() php function and insert it in a …

Is it wrong to use a hash for a unique ID?

I want to use a unique ID generated by PHP in a database table that will likely never have more than 10,000 records. I don’t want the time of creation to be visible or use a purely numeric value so I am using: Is it wrong to use a hash for a unique ID? Don’t all hashes lead to collisions

hash in JS == hash in PHP

I need to make a hash with JS and PHP but I need them to both work out to be the same hash. I am just wondering what the best idea would be to go about it. it needs to be secure, but its not hashing …
