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Tag: bcrypt

How to edit Laravel 7 AbstractHasher or BcryptHasher?

I’m having some problems trying to extend or change a part of the Laravel Framework. Simply I cannot figure out where I can add or edit so that my changes will not be made in the vendor folder. Essentially my issue was implementing Password Reset functionality to my React/Laravel application. I use inertia to post the reset password form, and

crypt password storage and retrival php

I am trying to set up a secure login & register system using crypt() as I have read that that is php’s stored function for bcrypt I am registering a user but taking their password and and then crypting it. I then store $hashed_password in the db then when the user logs in I am trying to match the password

Generating Password Hash In PHP 5.5 And Setting Cost Option

I know PHP 5.5 is in alpha but this class I am making is just being made in advance to utilize it’s hashing feature by using function_exists(). I checked out the password_hash documentation. The 3rd argument is for $options which currently supports two options, ‘salt’ and ‘cost’. It states the following: cost, which denotes the algorithmic cost that should be
