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Tag: laravel-5.4

Laravel 5.4 environment based config files

I am trying to change the Laravel configuration variables based on environment, but I do not know how. Code to get config is I am trying to have a separate results for the live environment and the development environment. Real life scenario I need to override some config files, so everybody who is using the development environment, has the same

Overriding Mailer service in Laravel 5.4

I am trying to override the default implementation of Mailer in IlluminateMailMailServiceProvider. At first, I thought that I will just extend the service and switch the implementation in the container followingly: AppMailMailer AppProvidersAppServiceProvider The problem is that even though I’ve overridden the container definition when resolving the service it ignores my definition completely because IlluminateMailMailServiceProvider has $defer = true property,

Redirect to route in laravel not working

I am working on Laravel 5.4.36 application where my route label is defined in web.php as, but when I am trying to redirect from a control function to a route label using, Error: InvalidArgumentException Route [label] not defined. or Error: FatalErrorException Class ‘AppHttpControllersRedirect’ not found. both are not not working, Can anyone help me how to redirect to a route

Class ‘NumberFormatter’ not found in Laravel 5.4

I’m trying to use PHP’s intl extension to convert amount into words. For example, 1450 -> One Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty I’m using Laravel 5.4 that runs on XAMPP 3.2.2 server with PHP 5.6.24. As mentioned in similar questions, I’ve already enabled the intl PHP extension by uncommenting the line as extension=ext/php_intl.dll in PHP.ini file and restarted my server

localization FakerFactory does not work in laravel

I have a Post Model with these fields : Now I want to use laravel sedders and model factories to create fake fa_IR localized data and insert to posts table. For that I wrote this in database/factories/ModelFactory.php: Then I created a PostsTableSeeder class like this : And in AppServiceProvider.php added below codes to register function : But After running the

Convert to Laravel exception?

Currently in a package, it has HttpException exception Is there a way to to convert it Laravel HttpResponseException uses without touching that exception from the package? Answer You can catch that exception and rethrow it. In your app/Exceptions/Handler.php file. Edit: I haven’t tested this but according to the exception class. You can pass a response as a parameter to the
