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Laravel 5.4 environment based config files

I am trying to change the Laravel configuration variables based on environment, but I do not know how.

Code to get config is

Config::get( 'contants.api_url' );

I am trying to have a separate results for the live environment and the development environment.

Real life scenario

I need to override some config files, so everybody who is using the development environment, has the same base configuration. I cannot use the .env file for this, because it is not shared between the team and everybody has their own version of it.

What did I try:

I read here Laravel 5 configuration – environments and overriding that you can create subfolders within your /config folder, that match the environment, to override the default config files. Alas it did not work for me and the Laravel 5.4 documentation on the subject matter ( did not speak about this option, thus I believe it might have been deprecated.



One option could be to use a service provider. If you’re only going to be overriding one or two values then you might as well just use your AppServiceProvider, otherwise I would suggest creating a new service (e.g. ConfigServiceProvider).

In the boot() method of your service provider you could add something like:

if (app()->environment() === 'local') {
   config()->set('contants.api_url', '');
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