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Tag: jquery

Content of ckeditor textarea is not sent through Ajax Jquery

I have a form with inputs and a textarea (ckeditor), after submitting the form with ajax all input fields value are sent to database table except CKEDITOR textarea and I can’t figure out why! I’ve tried some solutions in some questions here with same problem but with no vein! HTML PART JS PART Answer It’s not working because the value

Modal validation using Bootstrap Modal – PHP

PHP Script & Validation: Modal: I don’t know where the problem is, I want the modal to remain open even if the problem or form has been submitted successfully. Now, with this code, if there is a problem with the submit form, the modal shuts down and if we open it again, the user can see error messages. Where am

Trying to add a select tag feature along with Jquery PHP search code

Here is the code I am using for a search function, it fetches the data from fetch_data.php and it works. But I would like to add an additional filter option to the search page. For example Country or City. I tried many methods, but none worked. this fetches data from fetch_data.html as $_POST[‘query’] I would also like to filter data

form doesnt get submitted after disabling button after submit

Hello there i want my button disabled after the form submitted. Disabling the button works but it doesnt execute the php code. I tried different scrips that are posted on the internet but they all do the same: disabling the button without executing the php code. So when form is submitted it needs to echo “test” but it doesnt echo

jQuery/Php Error Illegal string offset from unserialized post data

I’m posting a jquery serialize data posting from modal/pop up div tag with name attribute such as formdata[1]field_x The Fetch/XHR capture the serialized posted data, which indicate the posting is correct. The same result return with print_r($_POST[“formdata”] ); . formdata%5B1%5Dpayref_autonum=Yes&formdata%5B1%5Dpayref_prefix=P2022&formdata%5B1%5Dpayref_suffix=&formdata%5B1%5Dpayref_pad=4&formdata%5B1%5Dpayref_next=876&formdata%5B1%5Dpayref_sample= The data are getting un-serialized parse_str($_POST[“formdata”], $formdata );. However $formdata return an empty array. Answer The issue is your form
