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Tag: sweetalert

Confirm delete using sweetalert in Laravel Form Collective

I’m a beginner in using laravel, please help. I’m using sweet alert to ask for confirmation before deleting. The error says that it is missing a required parameter for destroy, though I am certainly sure that I am passing an id to the function destroy. Here’s my code Announcement.blade.php delete_script.blade.php destroy function in AnnouncementsController.php Route The error is this: Missing

How to alert success message in modal form?

I’m new to ajax/jquery. I want to use sweetalert on my website, i set it up as in tutorial, but when i open modal form and click send button, it goes to another page, page send.php. Here my form: inside this form sweetalert doesn’t work, but outside of form it’s working. Here sweetalert jquery and ajax request: what could be

Sweet Alert Delete Confirmation with a href

Im using PHP, and Sweet alert for a delete confirmation. Problem is that it is deleting before showing the sweet alert. This is my HTML(which is using PHP in it). This is my sweet alert } The problem is, its not showing the sweet alert, its just going straight to the URL. Do I need to do a form and

Delete method with Sweet Alert in Laravel

I’m testing a method using Sweet Alert, to improve the messages issued by the Javascript alert method with the laravel framework. 1 – I downloaded the files sweetalert.css and sweetalert.min.js. 2 – So I connect the files from app.blade.php 3 – I created the delete button using the onclick event of Javascript and the following Sweet Alert function: 4 –
