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Tag: javascript

Create blue box area to organize a form

my goal is to create something like this :enter image description here So an area where I can put a form for authentification or create an account. I already created a form in php which is linked to my database like this Is there something in boostrap or css or even js which can make me creat this blue area

Filled many Textbox with Select box using laravel

I want to display data in a text box based on the selected options. for example if If I select the title of the book, it will display the author of the book, the price of the book, the year the book was printed. I want to display the book based on the selected option chosen my Controller my Model

I am trying to load the script into my Elementor Widget and i am getting a Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED on my WordPress

Error screenshot Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED Answer It is properly enqued already and the errors you’re getting are for the different script and the script you’ve enqued are already showing the Console.log() test message you’ve added. I see there is no problem with enqueing the script, you might be dealing with some other issue, please continue with debugging.

run php file with script tag

Is there any way to insert php code through <script>? Like `<script src=”example.php”>. I know that script is only for JS but I want PHP to generate JS that I can insert with script tag. Here I found a possible sollution: Generate JavaScript file with PHP when requested in HTML. PHP file: But I have an error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected

Sending null values to php from post js

I’m trying to send values obtained from datable to a php file but sends null and return empty values from php This is what’ive tried crud_unidades.php : Now I have no idea on how to assign that javascript variable to the php one to use the phpvariable to look up stuff in my database please help Answer This was the

Only draw closePath() line

So I’m trying to draw a polygon using the arc function. I know there are better ways to draw a polygon but I’m going to use this functionality to plot points within later on. I’ve got the shape drawn no problem, however, the arc path is visible so I was wondering if there is just a simple way to remove
