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Tag: bootstrap-4

Create blue box area to organize a form

my goal is to create something like this :enter image description here So an area where I can put a form for authentification or create an account. I already created a form in php which is linked to my database like this Is there something in boostrap or css or even js which can make me creat this blue area

How to use PHP code in inline CSS in HTML

I’d like to use my PHP code in Inline CSS. Let me show the code: This is my code: This is what I want to achieve: But instead, I get this: What can I do to make CSS read 22 from my PHP code? I want to change the width by changing the PHP code. By the way I’m using

Boostrap popup from a loop in Laravel

I have content from a loop and I’m displaying title and image in a grid boxes. In addition, in every box of content I have View more button and when a user clicks on, it shows the full content (title, image, body) in popup. I have tested with Bootstrap modal and the popup functionality works but when I click the

Input from Model not included in form POST data

I have a simple HTML POST form with a model contained within like so: note: the JS fiddle is basic and just for demo and is not perfect. So when I submit the form and let the input inside the model has some text, my server script does not see ‘input2’ Does the data inside the model get sent

Filling boostrap cards with data from a mySQL database

I am trying to fill bootstrap cards with data from a database. I am very close. I have the mainphp file called project.php A file with a function called component to fill them, called component.php. And a connectDB.php file, that connect the DB and extracts the information from a table. I am aware this is alot of code so I

Uploaded image is not returned to PHP

I am trying to make a form for editing a product but if I upload a image the image can not be found by my PHP code it throws this error: Notice: Undefined index: image in C:xampphtdocspagesshopmanageradminproducteditor.php on line 10 Notice: Undefined index: image in C:xampphtdocspagesshopmanageradminproducteditor.php on line 11 Upload failed This is my Code: Answer Your <form> needs to
