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Tag: java

AES Encryption in android and decryption in php and vice versa

I am trying to learn AES by testing my code against I previously had an error in Base64.encodeBase64String and also Base64.decodeBase64 // encode/decode Base64. So I manipulated Base64 somehow to resolve the error. Now in my app the text is encrypted and decrypted properly, I think. But when I try to encrypt or decrypt the same text server-side (at

Reading floats from binary file javascript

I’m trying to read floats in javascript from a binary file that is created using Java. The file is created in Java using DataOutputStream: The file is retreived by http request and read like this: dataLoaded function: Output: Expecting: The file is sent with php: It seems that somewhere there is a flaw in the conversion but I can’t figure

Get out of a foreach [closed]

My C++ teacher once told me that if I have to use a break to get out of a loop I didn’t think enough about the loop condition. So did she (very good teacher btw) just fail to mention that foreach …
