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Tag: java

openssl_encrypt aes 256 with hash in java

From the php encryption function below: the result of encryption is MyFTCJx8RPzOx7h8QNxEtQgeiNIRwnrJ+uc0V70= And I have try to write this function in Java like this: The result is amF2YXguY3J5cHRvLnNwZYUmrJNv8ycvLua0O9g= Why my java function return the different result from php? And how do I fix the java function to get the same result with php? Thank you. Answer The IV is determined

Java Socket Server with PHP client

the question is totally rewritten since I have understood that previously it was really unclear. I have created a Java Socket server with threads to accept multiple connection in order to handle php tcp requests. The java server just for the testing purposes it reverse the string supplied from php. Java server is hosted on a ubuntu server and the


There is an auth attribute having 2 parameters, but it didn’t work The output of the URL is Also, the redirection_url parameter is not working. Please help me fix this. Answer You need to provide Auth Email Auth Password in Basic Oth in Postman

How to convert Java CRC32 checksum calculation to PHP code [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I trying to convert below Java code to PHP. Kindly provide a solution for me. Answer A complete reproducible example with

get xAxis mpchart android from database with retrofit

I want to get xAxis from database which is result of distinct query so my chart can display data dynamically. for static mpchart i have no problem with that. I called this function in onCreate. this line which i to make dynamic. so far i’ve tried some experiment from what i found in google. this one is closer. Log.d display
