The purpose of this is to view remote images with a browser. I already have set apache and I can see the folder of pictures with directory listing. The bad thing, is that I have to click each image, each time I want to see one. What I want is to navigate through the images in the folder using the
Tag: html
Can enctype=”multipart/form-data” be used for non file inputs as well?
Is this allowed? It will be used with PHP… Answer Yes, it’s absolutely correct. No issues.
How to convert video to mp4,webM,ogv while uploading ?
i am using videojs to play video on my website(it’s a HTML5 website) so for a better support i need to make 3 formats of each video mp4,webM,ogv. But in my website user can upload video also. So please tell me how can i automatically convert videos after/while uploading to these formats. I am using PHP5+JS for development. Answer As
Is there any benefit in using PHP comments over HTML comments in HTML code? [closed]
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance. Closed 9 years ago.
How to separately validate each simple HTML radio form, created through a PHP loop, using Javascript and Jquery
I made a number of html forms containing only radio buttons and a submit button. However, I cannot get them to validate properly–independently of each other. Here is my code: PHP/HTML code for the form: Here is the javascript/jquery I have been trying, but has not worked: When I do this, it always thinks I have not chosen a radio
What’s the best way to prevent packet sniffing without using SSL?
I want to secure the login page on my blog when my browser sends my password to the server (http) as I don’t want anyone to steal it. How would you do it? Answer As far as I am aware the only real way to do it from a production perspective would be to use javascript to encrypt the data
Twitter OAuth (PHP): Need good, basic example to get started
Using Facebook’s PHP SDK, I was able to get Facebook login working pretty quickly on my website. They simply set a $user variable that can be accessed very easily. I’ve had no such luck trying to get …
Why is part of the HTML email appearing as text in email client?
I am trying to send HTML emails with Codeigniter’s email class. This is how I am doing it: However, when I view the email in Gmail or outlook, I see bunch of HTML appearing as text at the top of the email and the rest of the email is displayed normally. Here is the HTML I am sending, its a
get all child element of a form in J.S
how can i get all child element(like radio,checkbox,select,text,…) within a form and make them blank using javascript. My form has many other elements like table,div etc. but i dont want to changes on these other element. Any suitable idea to get these child element(form element) through the form name(frmlist) or form id(frmlist) and make them blank. Actually i have no
Remove char from imap mail extract
I am trying to fetch a mail in imap from Google, I’m using the imap() function from PHP IMAP library and I want to use a preg_match() call on my mail content but I have a strange issue, I have curious break lines altering the normal preg_match(). More details: I have in my markup something like that: I am running