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Tag: android

Securing php api to use in android application

I am newbie to android development. I am using android studio for developing an application. Things i have done Created a DB with two tables in it in MySQL. Created two separate api’s for both GET and POST methods. Successfully accessed both api’s What i have achieved for now Able to GET data form the GET api. Able to POST

Ionic PHP connection in Android APK

For a school project we are working on an app with the Ionic framework that needs to connect to an external PHP file. When the user submits a form, the input has to go to the PHP file, get dropped in a database, and also return a value in the app. We’ve got everything working locally, as well as in

RSA Encryption in Java / Decryption in PHP Fails

I have a PHP script that I have been using do decrypt a session key that I encrypted from iOS. The encryption is done on the client using a 1024-bit public key. Decryption on the server side is done with the corresponding private key. Now I’m trying to write an encryption method for Android. Unfortunately, the decryption continues to fail,

Get User API key with PHP Pushover push notifications to iOS & Android

I want to use PHP Pushhover to push notification to specific devices / Android setToken(Your app API key) is a server API gets from Google Project Credentials, it’s fine, but where can I get the user API key for setUser(The user’s API key)? Note: I want to push notification to specific devices that the query choose them, and I’am using

How can i secure this API in an APK file

I am currently developing an api for a website i run. The api will be used in a number of places, and one of those places is an Android app. It’s purpose is to allow users to login, and and download files. I have the api build, and it will be using HTTPS so all of the data is fine
