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How to clear an HTML Form, even the form’s initial values?

I have an HTML form that sends information via post to a PHP file. On the user’s second visit the page should remember the last search input. So if on their first visit they were looking for pencil then on their second visit, the form would already have prefilled the Product Name input with pencil. I’m doing this via a

WordPress: passing $query to separate template file

I have the following code: homepage.php loop-feed-work.php But when I view my homepage, I get the following error: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function have_posts() on null in ******/loop-feed-work.php:1 Could this be because the query is in a different template file? Answer That’s exactly the problem. Unfortunatly get_template_part doens’t work like an include so you will lose

How can I call a Javascript variable on PHP(HTML)

So what I’m trying to do is something like this: I want to name the new dynamic textbox. So I could call it later on another PHP page. Answer You have to send the javascript value through ajax POST to the server and read the post via php. Not so sure what your aim is but let me know if

how to include javascript inside html

Sorry for asking this silly question. I got stuck to include a javascript file in my html page in a php project. when I try this it works fine- <script type=”text/javascript” src=”script.js”></script> But when I want to load the script.js file from my js directory it does not work. I tried- <script type=”text/javascript” src=”js/script.js”></script> N.B: I have my js folder

Laravel Echo Listener not working on frontend

I have created an event: Here is the bootstrap.js: and the route: laravel-echo-server.json : ENV file: When I set the broadcast driver to log: When I set the broadcast driver to redis & monitor redis via CLI: It looks like everything works fine, but the browser console in frontend doesn’t show any logs. What’s the problem? Why can’t I get

Laravel with() and search using LIKE not working

So I have 2 tables, 1 table for storing debt(id, amount, category_id) and 1 table for storing debt categories(id, name). I am trying to pull the data for each month from the debt table, but I also have a search which seems to not work, I guess I am missing something. I have the following: Debt Model: This works fine,

Return array of all div class names from html source using php

from a html source, using dom and xpath how would I return an array containing all the div class names? I use the following which returns all the div class names that contain “XX”, but don’t know the query to use for $targets to return all. I know this should be simple but I can’t find one that works. Thanks.
