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How to count messages for a user with php and mysql

I’m trying to count number of messages each user got. I have a users with user’s detail id, name etc. I have created another table users_msgs where I have id, msg_id, user_id. I want to display count …

Directus calculated field / column

I’m building an app where companies pay a regular subscription. This gives them a detailed listing on our web site and a number of other (real world) benefits. When their subscription has expired, …

DateTime(‘now’) not modified after sleep()

I have following code $now = new DateTime(‘now’); $string1 = $now->format(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’); sleep(5); $now->modify(‘now’); $string2 = $now->format(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’); sleep(10); $now->…

calling relation with a parameter in the view

i know this has been asked alot , but none of the solution works for me as i want to use this in the view i have 3 tables Languages : id , title Blog : id BlogLanguage : blog_id , language_id , …

Dompdf-Laravel Unicode character not rendering correctly

I am using barryvdh/laravel-dompdf to load PDF’s in my laravel application. I need to load custom unicode fonts(sinhala) in to the pdf. To do this, I downloaded my external fonts and copied the font folder and then it load to storage/fonts directory by load_font.php. I have used css in my blade file as follows: I also set meta tag UTF-8

How can I get wordpress page content without html tags? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question This is what I get from my page and i can’t make some changes. Answer Use wp_strip_all_tags function wp_strip_all_tags Thanks!

Creating a Login-in-as from a seperate server

The Background I have a Laravel system with a standard login system, hashes, username etc.. I also have multiple servers. My own server as the Web developer, and client servers that host client sites. Some clients have multiple sites. Thr problem I have a scenario where I would like to have the Main website (The developer site) where clients can
