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Calculating rank in PHP/MySQL

I’ve got a table in MySQL lets just say for example its got two fields Username, GameName and Score. I want to calculate the rank of a user for an indivudal game name so I could do the query SELECT * …

php change script while is running

I have a php script that I’m running from command line (e.g php test.php &). I would like to know if the execution is “flushed” automatically when I change some values in the script (using vim) while the script is running or if the script is somehow “cached” in the php engine when it starts running. Answer While the script

How to detect version of PHPUnit

I’m writing unit tests using an older version of PHPUnit (3.4) and thus can’t use all supported assertions listed in manual of 3.5 and 3.6. Though I could reengineer tests for instant support in my environment here, I’d like to make my tests dependent on current version of PHPUnit, so that it’s using assertsInstanceOf() as soon as my or any

How can I detect the mime type with PHP when an actual file doesn’t exist?

Is there a way to detect the mime type of a file without actually having an actual file, for example when you’re generating the file and serving it as a download? I’m currently using file extension sniffing from here: I was just wondering if there was another way short of actually creating the file on the server and using

Paginate WordPress $wpdb Query?

I have this query: I’m using this because Wordpress can’t properly order meta_values that uses numbers, anyway…everything works fine except I have no clue on how to paginate this using wp_pagenavi. Any idea? Answer Although I wouldn’t recommend it, you could try changing the properties of the global $wp_query object. You can look up the definition of the WP_Query class
