I install Mysql server in my pc to practice j2ee and after some days i uninstalled it and installed xampp for PHP development but it is showing port not free error. I already try using cmd and …
Tag: xampp
login page php code not working on cpanel blank page comes after succefull login
The code is working perfectly on localhost xampp server but not working on Cpanel I think sesion_start command not working. If i login using wrong password then it shows an error its mean php code in LoinPage.php wroks but when i enter correct username and password it will show blank page instead of taking me to AdminDashboard.php LoginPage.php AdminDashboard.php connection.php
Should I install xampp or wamp?
So I have IIS manager already installed in my computer, and I want to update to php7 then install laravel, but the video tutorials, articles and documentations online is mostly geared towards people who use xampp and wamp I couldn’t find a tutorial for IIS. I really want to download and install xampp or wamp, but our professor said to
How to set php version for composer when having multiple xampp versions?
I have two xampp versions in my machine one have php version 5.4 and other having 7.1(recently installed.) I usually use composer command to download laravel. previously i get laravel version 5.0.X when i download because of my php vesrion(5.4) but even after installing new xampp(having php version 7) composer is downloading laravel 5.0.x only. When i check my php
XAMPP (WIndows) PHP GMP Functions
Is there any way to use PHP GMP Functions on windows without using a virtual machine? Thanks in advance. [http://php.net/manual/en/ref.gmp.ph] Answer According to GMP’s website: GMP’s main target platforms are Unix-type systems, such as GNU/Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, Mac OS X/Darwin, BSD, AIX, etc. It also is known to work on Windows in both 32-bit and 64-bit mode. Also try to
Xampp mysql Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly
when I starting mysql, giving the following error: then, I check the mysql_error.log: finally, I moved xampp/mysql/backup files into xampp/mysql/data and run mysql again.Then, it worked!But I don’t know why.What led to this problem. Hope someone doubts for me! Answer If you’re not running XAMPP as an administrator, shutting down MySQL can cause corruption which means you have to repair
How to redirect HTTP to HTTPS using XAMPP
I’m trying to redirect HTTP to HTTPS using XAMPP. I’ve already seen all questions and multiple answers on multiple websites recommending this website: XAMPP: SSL Encrypt the Transmission of Passwords …
yaml xampp warning: Unable to load dynamic library ‘C:xamppphpextphp_yaml.dll’
I installed the recent versions of xampp for windows and yaml on my PC with windows 8.1 64bit. The versions were xampp-win32-7.0.9-1-VC14-installer.exe php_yaml-2.0.0rc8-7.0-ts-vc14-x86.zip I put the line of extension=php_yaml.dll to the end of php.ini file. I copied php_yaml.dll to C:/xampp/php/ext folder. I copied yaml.dll to C:/xampp/apache/bin folder. phpinfo(); command displayed that yaml was enabled. But bad warning still appeared on
how to set environment variables in apache xampp ?
I would like to add some environment variables in apache xampp in windows. I already tried the following : adding this in httpd.conf or, run this script but that doesn’t seem to work when I echo phpinfo(), there isn’t ENVIRONMENT variable in the environment section Answer I know this is an old post and the OP already may has solved
XAMPP server 404 Page Not Found
I am trying to reuse a php file for aa assignment. So the following line in index.php gives me the error message: 404 Page Not Found The page you are looking for could not be found. Check the address bar to ensure your URL is spelled correctly. If all else fails, you can visit our homepage at the link below.