There’s a plugin for the Contact us form. To activate the form, all you have to do is to place [CONTACT-US-FORM] in the page… My page is calling a page template. Is it possible to add the [CONTACT-US-FORM] shortcode in the PHP template? I tried it and it did not work. The WordPress page worked, but not the method I
Tag: wordpress
Force WordPress to ignore the w url parameter
Say, I have a WordPress installation running at and have the following url Now, I want WordPress to ignore the w=100 part because, every time I pass a numeric argument to w, WordPress redirects me to the single page, I assume this has something to do with Attachments. I can’t rename w to anything else because it is
Plugin content always on top of post WordPress
I’m trying to make a WordPress plugin. Well, actually it’s done and fully working, except one thing. I have added a shortcode for the plugin. But no matter where in the content I call this shortcode, the contents it gets are always on top of the post, instead of where I placed the tag. The code that outputs something: And
Add attribute to wp_get_attachment_image
I’m trying to add an attribute to the result of wp_get_attachment_image. I want to use jquery lazyload to handle loading of my post thumbnails and to do that I need to add a data-original= attribute to the <img> tag wp_get_attachment_image is creating. I’ve tried: But it doesn’t add the data attribute as I expected. Looking at the wp_get_attachment_image function it
Display WordPress Site Title
I want to display the Title of my Wordpress Site on the single blog posts pages. I use the following line of code in my theme’s ‘single blog post.php’ However it does not show anything. Answer You are not outputting anything to show. You are only assigning blog name to a variable. You need to echo the content. It should
AJAX function in the widget class
I created a WordPress Widget which get the recent posts, first get a specific number of posts, then there is a button to get more posts by AJAX. The full Widget code And this is the AJAX code to get ajaxloadMore function output and append to the ul tag How to get $catid and $number variables from the function widget
custom category tree in wordpress
SQL Export – WordPress plugin DEV
Hi So i have the following code.. Now, it works but doesnt download the file. Saying headers already sent. headers already sent by (output started at /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/~/wp-admin/includes/template.php:1642) Now i understand that the headers have been sent from my main plugin file already to include javascript and css files that are needed for the plugin i am creating. How do i
Refer to specific product ID in WordPress / WooCommerce in PHP
I have this script that adds a download button to every product page in WooCommerce but I need to exclude a product page from having the download button. I tried changing the first line to but it is failing, I think I am on the right track but need to reference it correctly (It should only enter the if function
How to Load Ajax in WordPress
I’m familiar with using ajax in the ordinary way with jQuery. I’ve played around it for a while, but don’t understand what Wordpress needs to get it to work… What I have here is taken from some …