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Tag: wordpress

html2canvas capturing div image

im working on my wordpress site in which i want a div to be converted to image.. im using html2canvas javascript and it works perfect. when i capture a post it saves it to the server has “Captured.jpg”. all good till here.. but when i click capture again on a different post it replaces the previous image “captured.jpg”. i want

Warning: preg_replace(): Unknown modifier

I have the following error: Warning: preg_replace(): Unknown modifier ‘]’ in xxx.php on line 38 This is the code on line 38: How can I fix this problem? Answer Why the error occurs In PHP, a regular expression needs to be enclosed within a pair of delimiters. A delimiter can be any non-alphanumeric, non-backslash, non-whitespace character; /, #, ~ are

woocommerce get list of attribute values

I’m using woocommerce on wordpress to create a simple shop site and I’ve added a couple attributes to a product. These are namely, size and color. Under size I have a variety of values including Small, Medium and Large. Same with color ie. Red, Blue, Green. What I want to do is show these values in a dropdown. Basically just

Unpacking the update… Could not create directory. WordPress

When I instal nextgen-gallery plugins. This error message appears How can I fix this problem ? Answer This is a permissions issue. Ensure the directory is writable by apache. Plugins are unpacked into the wp-content/plugins directory, so I would first attempt writing to the directory as apache: Set permissions accordingly to correct the issue. You can read about permissions here:

Get WordPress Child Theme Path in WordPress

I have a parent and child theme. In my child theme I declared a variable CHILD_DIR so I can add custom JS and CSS files to the my child theme’s folder structure. I did this in my functions.php file in my child theme by doing this: This produces a URL which is what I want since I’m using it like

WordPress Shortcodes (Possibly Nested & Input)

I’ve been battling with this problem in Wordpress particularly with using one shortcode which has a nested shortcode inside it, which works like a charm, however I wanted to make it a simple shortcode which in turn then would be easier for someone to use. You can see the code here The HTML output for the shortcode is basically this
