I’m using Symfony 4.4 and I’m doing my own authenticator. Everything works fine, I just can’t figure out how to compare the password entered by the user and the one in Ldap. I would like to do this in …
Tag: symfony4
symfony 4: after successful authentication it redirects to admin area and populates the TokenStorage with an anonymous Token
I had an old Symfony 3.1 site that I upgraded to Symfony 3.4.x then to Symfony 4.4.11 but I didn’t upgrade it to symfony flex. I fixed many things and the public sites seem working. I had to rebuild …
Including properties with xpointer in Sulu templates
I have set up some Sulu templates and I have been able to use the method described here to include the contents of an entire file in multiple templates: https://docs.sulu.io/en/2.1/book/templates.html I’m using: <xi:include href=”fragments/common-properties.xml”/ and this works perfectly However I have then tried to include the properties from another template using the xpointer method (in order that i can include
Send Onesignal notification using php api : The parameter “send_after” of onesignal’s notification is not taken into consideration
Im working on a project using php/symfony 4, and after the creation of an object, I send a push notification, normaly without specifying the delivery parameter “send_after”, it is working …
How can I improve CSV import faster in Symfony?
I have to import CSV file of around 20,000 rows. This CSV is read from FTP Server which will update every 30 minutes. But the code I have written is already taking more than 45 mintues to import. This is very slow. Can anybody please help me. I am thinking of persist the data every based on the batchSize =
How to set event name and delay time in Envelope?
I’m using symfony 4 + enqueue (https://github.com/sroze/messenger-enqueue-transport + https://packagist.org/packages/enqueue/pheanstalk) to run async jobs in beanstalk. Right now I have: /** * @var …
Symfony HttpClient GET request with multiple query string parameters with same name
I am trying to make an API request in the following format: /api/v1/courses?enrollment_state=active&include[]=total_students&include[]=term How can I do so using the HttpClient Component …
Symfony problem with range Datetime (form)
I don’t understand my problem. If you can just give me an idea. I have a dateTime field who works but my field years have a bizzare range (2015-2025). I want to have a bigger range (e.g : 1960-2040). …
Symfony 4: Use existing form type class in Sonata’s configureFormFields method
I know I can pull individual form elements from the type’s builder into the form mapper as described in the documentation: You can add Symfony FormBuilderInterface instances to the FormMapper. This allows you to re-use a model form type. When adding a field using a FormBuilderInterface, the type is guessed. Given you have a PostType like this: you can reuse
Generate entity from an existing table
I have a already created table: CREATE TABLE `jt_version` ( `version` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘103’, `model` varchar(4) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT ” COMMENT ‘108’ From this …