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Tag: symfony

Manually switch _locale in symfony 4

I’m absolutely stuck in getting a solution to manually switch the _locale variable in Symfony 4. I followed these steps, but now I have absolutely no idea how to make a simple switch button in the nav section. I also took a look a this question, but this seems to be an older Symfony version.. Can anyone please help me

Symfony 4 : Override public services in container

I am migrating our project to Symfony 4. In my test suites, we used PHPUnit for functional tests (I mean, we call endpoints and we check result). Often, we mock services to check different steps. Since I migrated to Symfony 4, I am facing this issue: SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionExceptionInvalidArgumentException: The “my.service” service is already initialized, you cannot replace it. when we redefine

Symfony 4 – Autowiring not working

I have a form that write values to an specific Entity, and I am trying to edit the information through a function in the controller, pretty simple. BancoController.php The problem is, when I access /banco/{id}, I get the error: My service.yaml is all default, so I guess it should work automatically. The entities doesn’t show in bin/console debug:container. If I

How to compare value of the form before and after submitting in Symfony?

I am using symfony 3.4.8 version. When I am updating form data I want to see the differences before submit and after submit. After $formEdit->handleRequest($request); line old value is changing to the new value but I don’t want it. but I could not do this. Here is my controller. Answer In php, objects are passed by reference. Have a look
