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Tag: routing

ArgumentCountError Too few arguments to function 0 passed and exactly 1 expected in Laravel

I’m trying to update a record in my laravel application In my app management blade I have a link to a single record

“AppEntityUser object not found by the @ParamConverter annotation”

I have a problem with one of my route when I try to access it, I have this error : “AppEntityCompanyUser object not found by the @ParamConverter annotation” Many people have the same problem but …

Heroku 403 Forbidden Error

I deployed a PHP application and when I hit the url, I get the following error: I guess it tries to go into the app/ directory but it can’t. My project structure: What the log shows: Procfile .htaccess Answer Ehhmm so I found the solution. My Procfile had a .txt extension (so Procfile.txt) whereas it needs to be only Procfile.

Symfony2 Accessing route variables

I know I can access current route name by $request->get(‘_route’);. If my route is defined this way: How can I retrieve the id variable from within service? Answer $request->attributes->get(‘id’) does the trick.
