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Tag: phpmailer

Sending a mail using PHPMailer with Gmail Account

I am trying to send an email from my website using the PHPMailer library. All I did so for was: I downloaded PHPMailer 5.2-stable from this link. I uploaded the following files on my hosting: class.phpmailer.php, class.smtp.php and PHPMailerAutoload.php Then I created a file name contact.php and wrote the following code in it: But after running this file, I get

PHP mail encoding issue

i found an issue with php mail sending. I need to encode the mail in UTF-8. The subject works fine, but the message is corrupted. This is my code And this is how the mail looks like Subject Nábor – Kolombooo From Message T2Rwb3bEm8SPIG5hIG7DoWJvcjpLb2xvbWJvb28uCgoKRGlzY29yZDpLb2xvbWJvb28jMzI1Ny4KClbEm2s6MTU= Answer The problem seems to be that you are encoding your message as base64: Change

Is it possible to use PHPMailer with local domain?

PHP is a new thing for me and I’m trying to build this simple form to send mail. I’ve seen tutorials and documentations and it seems that I need mail hosting (got one) and a domain for this hosting. So my question is is it possible to build this form using just XAMPP or do I have to have real

Getting invalid mail error during phpmailer bulk mail sending [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed last year. Improve this question php mailer is mass mail, but if a mail address in a record is incorrect, it stops sending mail. How can

Send email using PHPMailer without SMTP authentication

I don’t use PHP that often but when I do and I need to write a function to send E-Mails, I just used the mail() function. I have used it on a shared hosting service and I always received the E-Mails from a… well… not an account? A bot? It didn’t even have an E-Mail address. And that’s what I
