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Tag: pdo

Laravel – PDO Prepared Statement – Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active

I am having trouble running the following prepared statement in Laravel: I get the following error: [2017-06-08 03:41:35] local.ERROR: PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2014 Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are active. Consider using PDOStatement::fetchAll(). Alternatively, if your code is only ever going to run against mysql, you may enable query buffering by setting the PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY attribute. This is

Uncaught Error: Call to a member function fetchAll() on boolean

index.php: and get the error : Db.php If I running in the sql() method, execute() and fetch() the data inside it , it can truly get the data , but put the execute() and fetch() to the query() method, getting the error message, Any Idea? ; Answer There is an error in your code. In this line: The execute() method

PDO FetcthAll to JSON null

I’m creating a APIRest in Angular and I need to parse PHP results to JSON. I read some answer about this problem, but didn’t resolve my problem. The problem is the json_encode return null, and i don’t know why. Answer For JSON you need utf-8 encoded data, thus you have to tell PDO that the rest of code makes no

Escape a pdo query, is that necessary?

My question of to day is. Do i need to escape PDO in my script? $columns = implode(“, “,$column); $query = ”.$query.’ ‘.$columns.’ FROM ‘.$table.”; $dbh_query = $dbh->prepare($query); $dbh_query-…

How to CRUD using PDO Connection?

I want to CRUD using PDO Connection I know how to create insert update and delete using msql_query() but I have no idea how to do that with PDO Connection. Answer Below is the example of that

How to use SQL prepared statement in php pdo

I create prepared statement for sql that give me the right result in mysqlWorkbench, but when I tried to use the same query with php pdo, it returns me an empty Array. So how to use my prepared statement with php pdo ? This is my code: Answer I found a solution that give me the right result. I create

How to prevent fraud in credit system?

Supposing our accounts table has a column called balance, each transaction is logged in the transactions table. Of course, we should verify there is sufficient funds prior to doing any transactions to sell products. Therefore, for performance purposes we should check the balance column of the user, deduct the amount on a successful sale, and update his balance. However, if
