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Tag: laravel

Installing Composer OpenSSL Issue

I am trying to install composer however when I go to install it I get this error: I currently have php 5.4.31 and I am running WAMP2.2 I’ve checked my php.ini file in the bin/php/php5.4.31/ and ensured that the following line is uncommented: The error still resolves and I’m at a loss as to how I can fix it. As

Laravel Simple Month Selection

y tried retrieve month from date field “fechas” (datetime type) where testing with SQL clause MONTH not works… thanks for replies Answer You could use the hide gem whereMonth: I highly recommend to you read the Builder.php source to search for another gems. 🙂

Laravel Shared Hosting .htaccess

I am trying to deploy a Laravel project onto a share hosting, I’ve managed to get most of the hard work done but I cannot strip off the /public directory without a Forbidden issue. The website works and shows same pages for these links But without the /index.php It returns -> Currently my .htaccess looks like the following.

How do i use conditional parameters in Laravel Auth::attempt?

Using Laravel 4.1.30 I got this following code which test a sign-in attempt via Auth. I like to implement a conditional value such as: I am using the active (field) as a level of authentication for users signing in. Anything above 0 (zero) should satisfy the next condition. How can it be done in one statement? Answer tl;dr You can’t

Select box with first option empty

How can I set the first option in my select box to an empty value? I’m getting the data from my DB, and I would like to set the option by default as “Please select one option”. Answer I found that ‘default’=>’Please select’ doesn’t work with the HTML5 required attribute. This does work: If you don’t like modern PHP syntax,

Laravel Form Validation, fail if not empty

I have an input field which needs to be empty, otherwise I want the validation to fail. This is an attempt at stopping spam through a contact form. I’ve looked at the documentation for the validation but there’s nothing to do this, other than the “max” rule, but this doesn’t work. Any other options? Answer In the method where you
