i search data 1 (this exist in database) within date range of 13-04-2022 to 14-04-2022 (there is no data in this date range). From this query that i used on my controller still return the data that contains a keyword that i search for (data 1). What i wanted is to return collection of data with the range of the
Tag: laravel-8
how to save new data and update data in a different table with laravel
How can i save a record new and update data in 2 different tables in laravel. I have perpustakaan table for to update. My second table is called peminjaman_buku for save new data. I hope you can help me, thank you very much controller : when I do the process there is no updated data or new data in the
Freshly generated DuskTestCase.php throws “Undefined type ‘TestsCreatesApplication'”
I’m trying to set up Laravel Dusk to test my Laravel site as part of a larger Github Action CI/CD workflow. Following the documentation, I ran: The latter command created a tests/Browser directory and a tests/DuskTestCase.php file. The problem is that when I open up DuskTestCase.php Intelephense immediately complains: I also get a slightly different, but clearly related, error when
Laravel : get only the clicked image to display, and not all of them
Yo everyone! I’m actually working on a lil’ project to learn laravel and here is the thing I struggle to achieve : I want the image I click on to be displayed in a view, but not all of my images (my images are stored in a database). I think the code is pretty simple, I’ll share it with you
Filled many Textbox with Select box using laravel
I want to display data in a text box based on the selected options. for example if If I select the title of the book, it will display the author of the book, the price of the book, the year the book was printed. I want to display the book based on the selected option chosen my Controller my Model
update one row of table in the future (Laravel)
the update method in Laravel (version 8) edit fields at the execution time, but I want to update fields at a specefic date for exemple : I have company table with pack field : when the customer pay another pack, the pack field would be edited after the end of the current pack. there is a solution for this ?
Is having an “id” column in a table mandatory to work with BackPack?
I have a table with columns color_id and list_id. When I load a page with that specific model in Laravel BackPack, it throws an error: In general, this is correct. I do not have an id column since it’s a pivot table. I assumed adding custom sorting would solve the problem so I added the following line in my controller’s
How do I make a factory that creates random titles without a dot at the end?
I am working on a Laravel 8 blogging application. I need a large numer of articles in order to test the pagination. For this purpose, I have made this factory: The problem Unfortunately, the title column in the articles table is populated with sentences that have a dot at the end. Titles are not supposed to end with a dot.
Same blade component showing correctly in one view and not showing image from public folder in other views
I’m building a website using Laravel 8 where i have one component called app.blade.php. This component is the body of the project and includes the navbar. The problem that i’m facing is that this compenent is correctly showing in every view, while in a view called article.blade.php it is showing but without showing the logo image, only the ALT text.
Laravel 8 – Eloquent Queries Without Database Migration
I’m a newbie with Laravel, but old school PHP developer. I’m in the process of adapting my framework to the Laravel framework. My main goal at this moment is to use eloquent queries without doing a DB schema and migration inside Laravel, as I have my database is built already, up and running. So far, I’ve been successful in using