I’m from the same post here but I’ve found the root problem why is my quantity won’t increment but I don’t know how to solve this. The problem is at my isset function (in Cart.php), because I tried to echo something there and just realized the function isn’t running. This is the error pops up when I removed isset function
Tag: laravel-8
How to seed a model that has a relationship to itself
I am using Laravel 8 and PHP v7.4 I have a model with a schema generated with the below migration. CreateContestsTable public function up() { Schema::create(‘contests’, function (Blueprint $table) …
Laravel 8 implement PHP’s DOM XML functions to output XML
I am new to the Laravel PHP framework, so I am not so familiar with it. I need some help implementing the sample code from Google Maps. To retrieve the latitude longitude. And also, some info from a …
Call to a member function notify() on null in Laravel 8
I want to send an SMS to a mobile phone (if he had already turned on the two-factor authentication system). So at LoginController I added this method: And this loggendin method is inside of a trait called TwoFactorAuthentication, which goes like this: Now the problem is when I want to log in, this message appears on the screen which is
Laravel files/folders not showing up in Public directory
I want to integrate TradingView’s charting library in my Laravel project. I have copied the charting_library folder to the Public folder of Laravel. After that, I have referenced the charting_library.min.js file from Blade files in view and the other resources related to it. All js files loads successfully, but the problem is that this charting_library.min.js calls an HTML file from
ArgumentCountError Too few arguments to function AppHttpControllersShopCartController::addToCart()
So this function is supposed to add the product into a cart, but i’ve been getting the error Too few arguments to function AppHttpControllersShopCartController::addToCart(), 0 passed in C:xampphtdocsnerdSvendorlaravelframeworksrcIlluminateRoutingController.php on line 54 and exactly 1 expected I tried changing key words here and there on my controller, but nothing seems to do it. This is the the controller: My model for
Laravel 8 Does Not Show Data From DB
I’m working with Laravel 8 and I have made a resource Controller to return some results from MySQL table so index() method of this Controller holds: At at index.blade.php I added this: So as you can see, it look fine but the problem is it does not show me any output! I mean no results and no errors at all.
Laravel 8.15.0/Jetstream – How to register new blades x-jet-newblade?
I am just doing my very first steps with Laravel 8 and found a problem that I can not solve. /var/www/html/laravel/resources/views/dashboard.blade.php: If i create a new blade in the same directory (f.e. the form.blade.php) with the same code as above but with <x-jet-subform/> instead of <x-jet-welcome> it should normally redirect to the subform.blade.php which is located under var/www/html/laravel/resources/views/vendor/jetstream/components/subform.blade.php But if
Catch HTTP client errors in Laravel 8
How do you catch errors thrown by the HTTP client (for example a time out) so that it doesn’t throw the curl error in the Laraval debugger (in debug mode) before you can do anything with the error to avoid stopping the execution? Instead, I’m always getting the Laravel’s Ignition error page and the error is not caught by my
How do I authenticate a user in Laravel 8 Jetstream only if his status is active?
I am building a Laravel 8 application and have successfully implemented authentication. Now I want to check if a user’s status is active before logging him in. I have added a field in the users table I am using JetStream and Fortify Thank You Answer You can customize user authentication from appProvidersJetStreamServiceProvider.php, on boot method : See the official Jetstream