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Tag: jetstream

Using stacks in Laravel 8

I’m building a site using Laravel 8 and Jetstream. Jetstream is opinionated about the javascript / css framework, which is great, but I’m needing to add an external javascript library to one of my components, and I don’t see anywhere to add them in the default app layout. So I added a stack for the css /js like this in

Laravel 8.15.0/Jetstream – How to register new blades x-jet-newblade?

I am just doing my very first steps with Laravel 8 and found a problem that I can not solve. /var/www/html/laravel/resources/views/dashboard.blade.php: If i create a new blade in the same directory (f.e. the form.blade.php) with the same code as above but with <x-jet-subform/> instead of <x-jet-welcome> it should normally redirect to the subform.blade.php which is located under var/www/html/laravel/resources/views/vendor/jetstream/components/subform.blade.php But if

How do I authenticate a user in Laravel 8 Jetstream only if his status is active?

I am building a Laravel 8 application and have successfully implemented authentication. Now I want to check if a user’s status is active before logging him in. I have added a field in the users table I am using JetStream and Fortify Thank You Answer You can customize user authentication from appProvidersJetStreamServiceProvider.php, on boot method : See the official Jetstream
