I need to detect if an object’s (like the below one) all the properties has an empty string as value. How can I achieve this? Answer Since it is all empty strings/null these fields can be filtered out easily: If it has a single property that isn’t a “falsey” value you will get true. FYI: This will also filter out
Tag: laravel-6
Custom verificarion email in laravel issue
guys in my laravel application i’m trying to send my users a custom verification email, as i’m using language translations So as the first step I’ve created following custom email template in my App/…
Review code to prevent allowed memory limit issue
While this may seem to be the right thing to do, I feel my code is very bad. I’m running my Laravel 6.x app in a Docker container. When running the code below, I get Allowed memory size of ** bytes …
How do I do Laravel form validation when value of one field decides validity of the other field
I have a form. Type field is a drop-down and has only two possible values. Second field is bcode. E.g. if table has data like- ID TYPE BCODE 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 4 1 4 5 …
dropdown is populating empty list in laravel 6
Laravel Version 6. PHP 7.4. I simply wants to populate my dropdown values form database table. Initially, It was returning error “variable undefined” but when I enclosed my code into if condition, my error was gone but drop-down list is empty. Please suggest where I’ m stuck. Route.php Controller View I also tried “dd($records);” but nothing happens. Answer First Make
Laravel – Avoiding double-booking time slots
I am trying to figure out how I would add some form of validation so that the same theatre slot cannot be booked twice on the same date. Any advice is much appreciated. The code below is how to crete …
ArgumentCountError Too few arguments to function 0 passed and exactly 1 expected in Laravel
I’m trying to update a record in my laravel application In my app management blade I have a link to a single record
laravel 6 login successfully but redirect to login page
My environment is MAMP server on MACOS. LoginController.php public function authenticate(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, [ ’email’ => ‘required|email’, …
How to fetch product name from orders table which contain product_id in laravel?
I am unable to fetch the product name according to matching id but i am getting same name in table as shown below this is the ordered list of products Please check table for reference ill be showing below (order_list table) order_list table Table products products table My Controller please Help me out as i am at learning stage and
Select field Old value cannot be displayed in laravel
I’m having a user registration form with a select field, When ever I get an error on the form user redirected to the form and display the previously entered values I able to display old values for …