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Tag: laravel-6

Getting 404 in laravel 6.x

I have created ApiController in AppHttpControllersApiv1 Also created auth using laravel/ui Default created function for front end working perfectly. But issue is when try to call the …

Laravel 6 artisan package:discover rename bootstrap/cache/packages

After composer update I got an error: In Filesystem.php line 146: rename(/var/www/bootstrap/cache/packages.phpE7r5E4,/var/www/bootstrap/cache /packages.php): No such file or directory Artisan commands don’t work anymore. Already tried: Answer I found the problem, my windows docker (version sometimes fails to execute. I don’t know how it looks like the packages.php file just got locked. So here is the recipe to fix: I

Laravel 6: Class ‘Form’ not found

I have a fresh Laravel 6 and I try to use Laravel forms but I got the error saying “Class ‘Form’ not found “. I tried the followings but still not working: 1). Add this to composer.json “require”: {…

Class AppHttpControllersManagerLoginController does not exist

I have been making a custom multi-auth and got the following error: Class AppHttpControllersManagerLoginController does not exist I have been searching for this error but couldn’t find the solution. I have attached the screenshot from my controller in the directory. ManagerLoginController.php web.php Answer Since ManagerController is not in root Controllers you need to specify namespace in your routes. It is
