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Tag: laravel-5.1

printing all running session variable in laravel 5.1

How do I print all running session variable in Laravel 5.1? I want to print all the running session variable. Currently I can retrieve single running session for given value but don’t know the function for print all at one time with one function something like Answer If you just want to see contents of session, try dd(): If not,

Laravel custom helper – undefined index SERVER_NAME

In Laravel 5.1, I created a custom helper file: custom.php which I load in composer.json: and it contains this method: It works as expected, but every time I do php artisan commands, I get a call stack and this message: Why is this so? The method returns the correct value when run from within my Laravel app. Answer $_SERVER[‘SERVER_Name’] global

find in set in laravel ? example

I am new in laravel. My query is i need to find out value from comma separated field. Here is my table: tags_value ╔════╦══════════════╗ ║ id ║ tags ║ ╠════╬══════════════╣ ║ 1 ║ css,html,…
