I’m posting a jquery serialize data posting from modal/pop up div tag with name attribute such as formdata[1]field_x The Fetch/XHR capture the serialized posted data, which indicate the posting is correct. The same result return with print_r($_POST[“formdata”] ); . formdata%5B1%5Dpayref_autonum=Yes&formdata%5B1%5Dpayref_prefix=P2022&formdata%5B1%5Dpayref_suffix=&formdata%5B1%5Dpayref_pad=4&formdata%5B1%5Dpayref_next=876&formdata%5B1%5Dpayref_sample= The data are getting un-serialized parse_str($_POST[“formdata”], $formdata );. However $formdata return an empty array. Answer The issue is your form
Tag: json
Prepared statements against a JSON key throwing “must appear in the GROUP BY clause” in PostgreSQL using PDO
I am trying to dynamically group by json keys to find the average answer. This Query works fine when it is ran inside PostgreSQL and I get my expected result: The issue now occurs when I don’t know the keys. They’re dynamically created and thus I need to loop over them. ‘Example’ comes from user input. The JSON is created
REST Server-Client Communication
I’m developing an Android app in Java and I need to add a REST Server-Client Communication feature to it. I assume that the following code should post data to a .php file and will be thankful if someone explains to me what does it do and how to use it properly: Answer My answer is in as comments in your
Get empty result api firebase [FCM]
I’ve saved some of my mobile registration_codes that are connected with my development environment of Firebase. Once I send a manual notification by the api I receive empty feedback from Firebase himself. After debugging I found that the notification has not been send. What’s wrong with my call, because the call I make is the same in the examples and
How can I fetch results from a junction table and insert them as an array into a JSON object using PHP?
I have Articles with Categories in a mysql Database. I would like to print out all Articles with their corresponding Categories as JSON in PHP to fetch with my Vue-App. I’m working with the following tables: Articles, Categories and Article_has_Category (junction table, many to many): The following PHP-Code selects and prints all Articles for my Frontend to fetch: Is it
How to sum up property string length by ID using PHP in a JSON array
I am trying to sum up the character count(total string length) of all the characters contained in the various “info” properties by “user_id”. I am trying to have a situation where USER-ID A001 has 300 total characters in INFO I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Below is my code snippet: MY PHP Answer Use an
SQL query JSON of MySQL 8.0 comes String instead of Array
I create a table in MySQL 8.0 as follows: It contains JSON type data, and I insert some data as: And I use php to visit the database, I wish to get value of “airline” as an Array. But it comes out a String, NOT an Array! This really annoys me, and JSON in MySQL is hard to understand. Answer
Getting rid of numbers in a json response ( LARAVEL 9 )
i’m having some problems with my json response. When I make an api call from a user (id:1) it returns the response well, but if i change the user (f.e id:2) it returns it with some identifiers on it. Any idea? Response from id:1 Response from id:2 Thanks! EDIT 1 This is how I am getting the response: Answer Right
Retrieve data from the name of a directory in my database
I use php and laravel. I have a column named MsgBody. In this column, there is an array as follows. I want to get the value of “conversationDesc” from this array. What should I do in the Controller and blade part for this? Answer It seems that your data are JSON. You can decode this using json_decode. You should be
Extract Json data from a countries.csv file on github, and create a seperate array of timezones
Country.csv this is countries.csv file, and i want to extract all the timezones from it, which is its 14th colomn, and the data in there is not properly json formatted. I’m trying to parse the json but it failed. Actually, I want to create an array of timezones like this what i’m doing, is this in AppHttpControllersTestController::class is this Answer