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Tag: javascript

Upload file using drag and drop and with reorder before upload

I am trying to upload images with drag and drop. its working fine with any plugin with but the problem is, i need to reorder images before its uploaded to server. after searching a load i found on link but its not working as i am looking. Reorder like,, when you see the demo from given link,,, upload 2

Remove HTML tags from input before sending

I have some chat script and I’m trying to filter the input field before clicking send or submit. This is my input filed: submit when im trying to send some tags like unfortunately is working what i need to do.. remove all attr tags from input or prevent to write html tags inside input because all of this data saved

PHP successful webpush not triggering push event listener in SW

I would like to implement push notifications to a website, but I can’t trigger push event with PHP and web push library, even though it seems that message is sent successfully. I’ve tried to trigger the event from the console(chrome), and It works. Service worker: Php endpoint(push.php): My javascript: Service worker is registered successfully, I can ask for user permission
