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Tag: pusher

Php Show Online Users with Pusher or

I have a forum page. On the only index page, I show an online user list that shows usernames. I use Pusher. It works great. I have a problem about which my customer is complaining. The problem is that when a user browses to other pages, his/her username disappears and re-appears again. His/her connection to Pusher is lost on every

Pusher Doesn’t Broadcast on Private Channels -PHP/Laravel

I have set up Pusher and Laravel Echo for my app to notify users on some event firings. I have tested to see whether setup is working by broadcasting on a “Public Channel” and successfully saw that is works. Here is the event itself: Public channel: app/resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js: And Laravel Echo registration: (it is in the “head” section of my main
