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Tag: javascript

Pass PHP variable from HTML form to Javascript

could you help me pass a variable that was taken from a html form into javascript. The form asks for the tablename It is passed through PHP: A first action is underway, and created successfully: the Geoserver postgis table is created through PHP curl (entire code below) then the javascript tries to get $table with a PHP insert; this will

How to get data from html-table via php

I have html-table and three buttons: You can see there are no rows in it by default. In javascript I add rows and cells by clicking the button “Add”. Also I can delete them by clicking the button “Delete”. When I finish adding rows and cells I click the button “Save”. And by clicking “Save” I want to save the

Google Tag Manager push event

I created a form for our company’s landing page. Our marketing department sent me this GTM code to include in the header. I’ve done that. After submitting the form I should push it for the Google Tag Manager. My html Form After submitting the form, the data is stored in a database. I want to execute this push event after

How to remove unused tags on my WordPress site?

I have the following site: If i look at the source code via the browser, I can detect empty tags. Does anyone happen to know why they are generated and how I can remove them? I have searched all possible files and removed all code that could possibly cause this.Unfortunately I could not find a usable plugin either. Here

Using a for loop to display HTML element using JavaScript

I’m currently working on a project where I have a gallery (Gallery.php) containing a carousel of images, if an image is clicked on, the ImageID (I have set) and the Image URL are added to a 2D array in the localStorage. I am attempting to retrieve the array from localStorage in the homepage (index.php) which works as confirmed by logging

Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined when is defined

Background I’m making 4 calendars: The Current Calendar Next Month’s Calendar Last Month’s Calendar 2 Month’s From now Calendar //$dateInt = date(“U”, strtotime(“+2 months”)); I had the calendars building just fine, including the dynamic loading of values from my SQL Database Table (I’ll just call it DB henceforth) . I have been doing PHP off and on since the late
