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Tag: calendar

Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined when is defined

Background I’m making 4 calendars: The Current Calendar Next Month’s Calendar Last Month’s Calendar 2 Month’s From now Calendar //$dateInt = date(“U”, strtotime(“+2 months”)); I had the calendars building just fine, including the dynamic loading of values from my SQL Database Table (I’ll just call it DB henceforth) . I have been doing PHP off and on since the late

Determine access rights for CalDAV calendars

I’m creating a PHP application that will write events to a CalDAV calendar (Kolab groupware). For this I ask for the calendar-home-set of the respective user. After that, I only want to use calendars that I have write permissions for. It may well be that I received shared calendars that I’m only allowed to read. So how can I determine

How to show calendar month’s previous days?

I’m trying to make a calendar that shows this month, and then fills in the remaining days on the end rows with the dates from the next and previous months. I managed to make it show next months dates and the thing is the issue is that I need it to show previous months dates as well. If someone manages
