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Tag: caldav

calDAV “PROPFIND” call “401 Unauthorized” response from server

I am trying to send yahoo calendars(caldav) a request to get “current-user-principal” But In response I am getting “401 Unauthorized” error. Before this request I am making another request to get “OPTIONS” which is giving “200 OK” response. Request call is PROPFIND / HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX= Host: Depth: 0 Prefer: return-minimal Content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 85 User-Agent: DAViCalClient

Determine access rights for CalDAV calendars

I’m creating a PHP application that will write events to a CalDAV calendar (Kolab groupware). For this I ask for the calendar-home-set of the respective user. After that, I only want to use calendars that I have write permissions for. It may well be that I received shared calendars that I’m only allowed to read. So how can I determine
