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Tag: google-calendar-api

Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method – Google calendar php api

I have read a lot of articles : Google Calendar API – PHP and others.. I want to use the service account, I gave permissions for my calendar, I have downloaded the json key. If I use the code from Google, I got: missing the required redirect URI If i use the code: I have: Client is unauthorized to

Getting google calendar, “Service accounts cannot invite attendees without Domain-Wide Delegation of Authority.”

I can create events but when add attendees it returns this error i followed google guide and every thing is done but i can’t figure out what the problem My code I’m using google-api-php-client the error: GoogleServiceException: { “error”: { “errors”: [ { “domain”: “calendar”, “reason”: “forbiddenForServiceAccounts”, “message”: “Service accounts cannot invite attendees without Domain-Wide Delegation of Authority.” } ],

Google calendar meet link not being created automatically via Google Calendar API (PHP)

Google calendar meet link not being created automatically via Google Calendar PHP API. Google Calendar API stopped creating a hangout meeting link automatically. The same code was working a few months back but not not not. Code Answer Solution In order to create the conference data property in an Event you will have to send a request with the ConferenceDataVersion

PHP Google insert calendar event API

I am using this package : I used to get $meet_link like this from the API but suddenly it started throwing error Infact calendar event has been inserted perfectly but I am not getting $event->conferenceData->entryPoints[0]->uri in response. Infact I am not getting this entryPoints object($event->conferenceData->entryPoints) Answer There seems to be an issue with the conferenceData returned when creating an

How to use the Google calendar API’s functions

I’m trying to use the Google calendar API and I can’t properly call the built-in functions. For reference: This code return a fatal error: Call to a member function getItems() on a non-object I don’t understand how to use an object which is not instantiated by a New(). Answer You need to add this line into your code
