I need to make a form that keeps the data within its fields if the page were to be refreshed or if the form submission were to fail (not all fields are filled out, some have wrong data, etc.), but I can’t figure out how to do it. I tried looking this up, but nothing I do work. Page with
Tag: html
Can’t insert data on my database from laravel
When I try to insert data into my database, Laravel does not insert the records, but it is strange because when I migrate the tables to be able to perform the database, Laravel creates them without any problem, I do not know what I can be doing wrong if the migration run but stored no Route: Controler: Template: Answer The
How add target=”-blank” and open link in new browser?
I have below code. it pasts ID (in my Data) to a link. I would like to know where can I use target=”-blank” in this code to open it in a new browser? Answer Since you use shiny you can use tags$a: As per your comment:
Custom CSS not loading on WordPress
I am building a custom WordPress theme and am having issue with linking to my CSS. Using <?php get_template_part( ‘template-parts/template-header’ ) ?> at the top of all of my templates (such as my homepage, which lives at template-parts/template-homepage, I am grabbing the header I have built. In the head of my header HTML I have <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”homepage.css”/>. To ensure
Grabbing specific elements inside DIV from external page
I need to scrap the following elements inside each one of these div’s class=”product-grid-item” (page contains several of them), but in fact I have no clue how to do it… so, I need help not to pull my hair out. 1 – The link and image inside the div: class=”product-element-top2; <a href=”https://…this_link” class=”product-image-link”> (just need the link) <img width=”300″ height=”300″
Highlight cells according to mysql value
I have fetched mysql results as below..I need to do is, check each $row[“$date07”] value with a threshold and highlight the cell. Here is my try… As you can see I need thousands of if statements if I follow this way to achieve what I need(I need to check all 7 days and need to consider more than one day
How to handle validation of multiple hidden fields
I have created a form where in many cases some fields are not displayed until user select a certain option that will make the particular field displayed, this is controlled by HTML onchange Event Attribute with functions in script. To this point everything works fine. Problem: In the Request class I am implementing some rules for validation , for all
If the variable contains text within the string | HTML
I currently use this html code {{ou.user_agent}} Which results in the build which results in the user agent. To identify an exact word I do this {{ou.user_agent == “Store” ? “Go” : “Nope”}} If the user agent contains Store exactly, it returns Go and if it does not, it returns Nop. The problem with this is that it requires exactly
how to decrypt each hash string from a text file using openssl_decrypt and output each line
i have a text.txt file which contains a list of encrypted passwords, each line starts with the name then a seperating symbol and then the encrypted passoword. the list looks like- now i want to decrypt password from each line using the key which is included in the code. to seperate the hash and name i use php explode() function
Form doesn’t take me to action url when submitting
When I submit my form it doesn’t take me to the right url, it instead just stays on the same url and adds the params to it. Like this: /todo?message=themessage rather than what it should be as /todo/add In my /todo/add url, I have a php script that is assigned to that route, which just echos a string and nothing