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Tag: header

Download abuse with php Content-Disposition: attachment and readfile

I’m having a download abuse issue with php Content-Disposition: attachment and readfile. It seems that my problem is with readfile, because although this script works, whether or not the client closes their browser, readfile reads the entire contents of the mp4, setting up the possibility of abuse with scripts initiating the download and immediately closing the progress. Something, somewhere, is

PHPSESSID cookie lost after redirect

My website redirects user to the payment Gateway page. Once the user has completed the payment, they are redirected back to my website receipt page process.php. Please note that user redirects away from and return to https page. website URL is exactly the same i.e: user redirects away from to Payment Gateway and then back to What i

Laravel 8 custom headers run only for home page

I want to add custom headers for every response from my Laravel project. I created a middleware using php artisan make:middleware customheaders then I used this code in customheaders middleware then I added my class to kernel Now if I run my application home page localhost:8000 I can see my custom headers but if I go to any other page

nginx server with dynamic index is not executing php

i tried setting up my php backend and my vue on the same location. Based on the X-Requested-With header the server should decide if the backend would be used or the vue should be delivered. Now the delivery of the vue file is working, but the php is not executed. info: at the position of X-URI the $uri is /index.php,

Insert CSS into html header via php Function

I have access to creating hooks to edit the appearance of websites, but no experience with php. The hooks manpage gives examples such as: Now, what I want to do is insert the following CSS into this function (the function is executed before rendering the page) so that instead of printing a message as above, it makes all print elements

Making a web page cache even if the parameters change

Is there a way to get a browser to cache a web page even if the parameters change? I have a web assembly app that takes parameters. If the parameters change, the browser forces a download. Is there any way I can set headers so that the parameters aren’t a factor in caching? i.e. if I do and …the browser
