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Tag: forms

Google Tag Manager push event

I created a form for our company’s landing page. Our marketing department sent me this GTM code to include in the header. I’ve done that. After submitting the form I should push it for the Google Tag Manager. My html Form After submitting the form, the data is stored in a database. I want to execute this push event after

Problems with php validations not working

I was tasked on making simple i-Prepaid Reload programming.So far, I have problem with validations not working on reload.php page. As if there were no validations set at all and it went to result.php after pressing Buy button. I couldn’t figure it out what’s the cause of this error. There should be some errors appear is I put alphabets or

Create blue box area to organize a form

my goal is to create something like this :enter image description here So an area where I can put a form for authentification or create an account. I already created a form in php which is linked to my database like this Is there something in boostrap or css or even js which can make me creat this blue area

php table update multiple records at one time

I have a table that retrieves the username and availability status from the users table. Right now in my testing database I have 3 records. If I try to change the availability field for any of them, noting in updated. This is my availability.php file (the first line keeps getting cut off): Here is my av_update.php file: Updating any other

javascript form not validating fields

I’m trying to validate a form via javascript onSubmit, then run the php captcha verfication and email send action. The problem is that every time I try to check the fields, I can see just one of them highlited with my CSS classes (seems to be related to the ‘return false;’ which blocks me). Anyone has a clue? Here’s my

Enter button gets trigrred while enter new line in input form

im working on a project where a user can describe his location in multiple lines but when i press enter button for new line in input form it gets submitted into database. i feel myself stucked here. help me to get rid of this please my html code is: and my php code is : please help me Answer Instead

Laravel 7 – Edit and update value of checkbox in form

I want to uncheck / check the checkbox for ‘active’ users based on the value set in the form. In MySQL database, I added an ‘active’ column of type ‘tinyint (1)’ in table ‘users’. I have a form to edit different values ​​of the users, like name, email, etc. When I submit the form, everything updates fine except the checkbox,
