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Tag: doctrine

Symfony 1.4 connect to mysql via SSL

I need to change an old Symfony 1.4 application so that it’s able to connect to mysql via ssl-connection. I found a lot about this for Symfony >= 2. But unfortunately not for this dusty one. For validation purposes I already made it work by editing ./apps/frontend/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/vendor/doctrine/Connection.php to But I wonder if this ugly hack is actually the only solution?

The Symfone “doctrine:fixtures:load” command missing

I have Symfony 3.1 project with Doctrine and doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle and doctrine/data-fixtures installed. However, when i run a console command php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load i get a message saying that there are no commands defined in the doctrine:fixtures namespace. The class DoctrineBundleFixturesBundleCommandLoadDataFixturesDoctrineCommand exists. Please suggest how to fix that. Answer Run first php bin/console and see if the command appear in the

Semantical Error: Class MailileoBundleEntityMatch has no field or association named getMailid

I went through all similar issues but nothing appears to solve my problem. I’ve put a simple query in my MatchRepository but it throws a semantic error. I’ve double(triple) checked my entity and everything looks fine. It even works fine when I pull all Matches via findAll() and then run a $match->getMailid() The problem appears only in the MatchRepository file.

Doctrine migrations table collation

Trying to find a way to programatically create tables with certain collation, but can’t seem to find a way how to do it properly. I am using the “doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle”: “2.1.*@dev” and Symfony 2.3, I set up in my config.yml: It creates the database with LATIN1 charset and latin1_swedish_ci as default collation, when I run doctrine:database:create tool. Then I run my
