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Tag: docker

Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use

I have to make Laravel app and to deliver a Dockerfile, but I’m really stuck with this. Before that I had a nightmare wile installing laravel on my machine. I’m trying to get dockervel image and following the steps here: But when I run dartisan make:auth it gives this error below: I have tried to Change the default port

How can I start php-fpm in a Docker container by default?

I have this Docker image – Basically, I want it so that php-fpm starts when the docker container starts. I have php-fpm working if I manually go into the container and turn it on with /usr/sbin/php-fpm. I tried it inside of my ansible file with this command (it didn’t work). I tried using the service module as well with no

Starting Docker containers from PHP

When I attempt to startup a Docker container via PHP I get the following error I try to execute the docker run command via shell_exec so the executing user, on Ubuntu 14.04, is www-data. For good measure I tried to run the docker command as sudo but it made no difference. Googling around for “Are you trying….” turns up a
