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Tag: docker-compose

Container cannot see the prebuilt vendor folder in it

My project is throwing the next error after restarting the docker container: Warning: require(/var/www/ /var/www/ /vendor/composer/./symfony/polyfill-php80/bootstrap.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in ‘vendor/composer/autoload_real.php line 71 My Dockerfile: My docker-compose: Inside container run ls vendor/symfony before restarting the container: And after: The error is solving if remove the vendor directory and run composer install. I’m not a

Unable to start docker-compose

I’m trying to configure sendy to run on docker-compose. I’m getting this error when running docker-compose up error docker-compose.yml Answer In the directory where that docker-compose file exists, is there a Dockerfile specifically called “Dockerfile”? Under your sendy service, you have the context as the current directory, but no Dockerfile specified. By default, it will look for a file called

Dockerfile FROM vs Docker-compose IMAGE

I am currently in the process of learning Docker. After reading the docs and a few articles I obviously have more questions than answers. Most intriguing one for me at the moment is: what is the difference between In Dockerfile and In docker-compose.yml I do understand that they should grab the image and create a container from it. What I

Can’t connect to database in docker-compose

This is my docker-compose.yaml The problem is that php container can’t connect to mysql. Although from host I can connect with mycli -h -P 3306 -u root. But when I exec in php container and try it, get ‘Connection refused’ Answer Your mysql service binds mysql server’s port 3306 to 3306 of the host machine. Thus is it normal
